Monday 6 November 2017


After taking an extended hiatus from blogging, I've decided I'd rather like to get back into it again.  It's been a while since I last subjected the t'interweb with my inane mutterings but hopefully, I can find my feet again and occasionally pen something folk might find interesting to read.

What's changed since last I wrote?  Well, the ginger things have grown some. The boy is now 11 and in the throes of puberty - which so far seems to consist of the odd zit and an increased level of farting. The girl has just turned 6 and is going through that awkward no front teeth phase - just in time for the school photos!

We've also acquired a hound, a rescue dog called Monty who is either a pointer or a Breton spaniel - no one seems to be able to agree. He too farts a lot.

Despite the current political upheaval of the area (of which I shall no doubt write more about), day to day life in southern Catalonia remains much the same, with me being perpetually confused about what I'm supposed to be doing, where I am supposed to be, and why I am handing out money to various people.

Anyway, good to be back.😊


  1. Hurrah! So pleased to see you back and things are going well.

    It saddens me to see what is happening there.

    1. Hiya, thanks! :-) I shall be writing a little of the current situation later today.

  2. Yay!! I saw your ruminations on FB - it didn’t take you long to get cracking again once you got back in!
    Hope you enjoy writing again - I will certainly enjoy reading xx

    1. Hi Trish, thanks. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things.

  3. Looking forward to an insider's viewpoint. All my Spanish pals (regardless of political persuasion!!) seem to believe in a united Spain.

    1. Good to see you back too xx

    2. I guess that would be the case where you are. I will write more about it from our small village's perspective later. And thanks :-)
